How to build a film and animation company and how we did it

How to build a film and animation company and how we did it

The Beginning of Our Journey

In 2006, a group of friends freelancing in film and animation set out on a journey that proved far more challenging than expected. To secure larger projects, we formed a company with a mission: deliver original storytelling with a unique visual style, countering the prevalent cookie-cutter approaches.

Breaking Into the Industry - Against Safe Choices!

We worked on many music videos and entertainment projects, but we also aimed to shake up more conservative industries. However, we faced two major obstacles:

  1. Clients Preferred Safe Choices: Clients often feared the risk of justifying something creative, sticking to "safe" options instead.
  2. Struggles with Nepotism: As newcomers without connections, we had to fight against nepotism.

We worked long hours for little pay, determined to carve out our path in a world resistant to change. We had to learn to create our own opportunities. Although attitudes may have evolved, and creativity is more welcomed today, the fight continues.

Introducing Jazz Cow

Before we dive into how we overcame these challenges, let me introduce you to another rebel: Jazz Cow. Years before John and his team developed this character, a jazz-playing cow was resisting tech mogul Dr. Popp and his all-powerful AI. In this world, citizens are trapped in a cycle of digital notifications, their desires predicted before they even realise them. Jazz Cow, valuing improvisation and friendship over conformity, stands as a symbol of resistance against big tech's homogenising force. Much like Humphrey Bogart's character in Casablanca, Jazz Cow is committed to justice and freedom, fighting to preserve their neighbourhood's bohemian charm against Dr. Popp's push for a bland, safe life.

Overcoming Obstacles

Through tenacity and by attending animation festivals, we pitched our ideas to major broadcasters. One executive even expressed interest, but ultimately chose a different direction. With no clear path forward, the idea of Jazz Cow sat in a drawer until James Cary encouraged me to revive it. But what could we do without the right connections?

Finding Our Own Way

Our desire to work outside the system mirrored Jazz Cow's struggle. We tried everything: cold calling, networking events, trade shows, magazine ads—you name it. While these efforts occasionally paid off, they were challenging. "Safe" companies preyed on clients' fears with jargon and cheap tricks. Unable to compete directly, we sought new opportunities in industries where video or animation had never been used before. Though it was hard work for minimal pay, it taught us to be resourceful.

Good work leads to more work

We learned that good work leads to more work, and sometimes we had to demonstrate our vision at our own expense. As clients saw the results, word spread, albeit slowly. We also needed to differentiate ourselves from the "boring fakers" and the self-indulgent "creatives." Explaining our approach was challenging because much of it was implicit. However, we realised that eureka moments, though seemingly random, are directly tied to the product or message. The more we studied storytelling, the better we could articulate why our approach was right. Human psychology connects with stories, and we had that on our side.

Making Connections

Despite working for household names, we’ve never been part of those big-name crowds. We continue to face challenges as we avoid cookie-cutter projects. However, as we progressed, connections were made, and I met someone from another industry who had a way into Jazz Cow. This contact helped us pitch the concept to streaming services, providing the break we needed.

The Kickstarter Journey

We put significant effort into our pitch but kept receiving feedback that they were only interested in projects based on books, comics, or games. If they don't want original content, how can we move forward? Over the years, we’ve built a fantastic team with experience at the BBC, Disney, Netflix, and Amazon, and we're confident in our ability to deliver. Featuring a stellar cast of comedy actors and jazz musicians from London's vibrant scene, the project stands as a testament to originality against the backdrop of endless sequels and reboots.

Join the Rebellion

John and his team have chosen to fund the project through Kickstarter, embracing the platform's potential for a unique and personal creative journey. This approach offers us the chance to craft something entirely original. What's even more exciting is that our audience can be part of the journey, engaging with us as we bring this vision to life. The response has been incredibly positive, resonating with ordinary people, but will we get enough support to bring it to fruition? The fight goes on.

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Embrace the rhythm of rebellion, join the cow-powered resistance, and embark on the quest to defend humanity from the machine—while enjoying a good laugh along the way.

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