How to build a $20M fuel business. Lessons learned from Building Europe's first On Demand fuel station from its COO

Before Shell tap-up and Cafu and others, we built Europes first on-demand fuel station. We saw the future, we had an amazing team and we were ready to go. I was the COO of pompfuel and we were there from the start.
Team team team
The key to any startup is the quality of the team. The team is so vital to the success of any startup. A tight team that gets on, are close to each other on and off the pitch is essential and allows communication to flow with ease. Being close to each other mentally being able to get on and getting a feel for each other definitely helps in a startup in its early phases. We were all friends from beforehand and we all wanted to create something that changed the world.
At the early stage of a company its important for every person in the company to have a role and stick to it. If it's the COO, he should fully concentrate on the operations of the business.