What are the best gemini crypto alternatives in 2024

What are the best gemini crypto alternatives in 2024

Gemini is one of the crypto exchanges and wallets started by the winklevoss twins, who were in crypto very early on. Its great, very well known and boasts of a secure wallet and even has its own stable coin (GUSD regulated by the new york state department of financial services). What are the best crypto wallet alternatives?

What are the alternatives? EDITORS CHOICE: Revuto

  1. Revuto

A fantastic crypto exchange and wallet your able to buy sell crypto coins as well as NFT's and is well worth a try.

2. Coinbase

A major crypto player on the market, although transaction fees can be slightly more expensive. It has a great professional trading platform.

3. Trust wallet

Backed by binance this is one of the most known wallets out there. The interphase using it is a little more difficult to use.

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