What are the do's and dont's of email marketing in 2024

What are the do's and dont's of email marketing in 2024

There are quite a few things you should be doing in the world of email marketing to ensure a solid email campaign to get more opens and at the end of it all more conversions which will lead to more revenue.

Its essential to get the below correct:


  1. Create a solid subject line

This is one of the most important things you can do.

  1. Personalize your emails

This essential for you to try. Personalising your emails as much as possible in order to increase open rates.

  1. Use automation where possible. Keeping customers engaged

4.Use the reporting analytics you do get to make sure you choose the right time to send you emails

  1. Choose a good email send. You can use mailerlite for this.


Dont email to many times. once every week is the max. People will see you as spamming if any more:

  1. Buy any kind of email lists. This is pointless and will not get you anywhere
  2. Try not to be sending the same emails to every subscriber
  3. Try automation features to keep you subscribers engaged.
  4. Spam your subscribers by sending emails all the time.
  5. Ignore any of your subscribers and if they email you don't forget to respond!

What email marketing software should you use: check out mailerlite!


1. Mailerlite

Also a fantastic source for email marketing of any kind. You can send out a ton of lists to everybody who shows interest if you have simple pricing. This is solid software that has been around for quit some time and already work with a bunch of high end clients.

2. Activecampaign

A very good and sophisticated email marketing tool with solid pricing and automation for any user. It has quality templates so if you are a business looking to grow your business definitely check them out.


A great overall competitor in the space. It is highly dependable, has an excellent Trustpilot trust index, and provides excellent customer service to all paying customers. They are eager to share with you their excellent trust index!

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