What Steps do you need to start a business from a Techstars COO in 2025

So that you know we are legit our author of this article has his biography to show he has build and raised capital and been through top tier accelerators and is trying to help show steps from years of trying failing and building businesses and finally building europes first ondemand fuel business and lot of capital for it.

1) Focus on building out an MVP without capital
This is what startup accelerators like techstars and antler will teach. If your building a business that is a product (consumer) get 1 of it, take pictures then set up a domain, sell it, put a launch date in the future and use the capital to build it out. YOU DONT need to raise capital immediately and acutally have wasted tons of money of getting inventory of the product. You need to prove to investors that there are buyers of the product first before acutaly building it.
2) Get an advisor that knows your space well
If your buidling a business there will be others and almost certianbly comptition. If there is none its very strange. Google was not the frist search engine out there and still killed the others. Having been through accelerators the one thing they will help you with this and it will help you move faster and quicker. They can open doors, give you pilots and give you solid advice and connections.
3) Use tools available to you at low cost
There are no code tools to you, email marketing tools to you hardly spending any money. Dont throw cash at an idea unless you have proven you market first.
4) Grow - through content in 2023
Use budget marketing techniques to push people to your domain and get users, subscribers or customers to your product. Drop shipping people are doing the same thing. You will become a character online selling your own product. Try to find free growth hacks that can bring people to your product.
Running and growing a business is damn hard and you have to know what your in for. Check out our other articles to learn more.
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